海外留学は数週間のプログラムである海外研修とは異なり、数ヶ月〜1年までの長期に渡るプログラムを指します。本校が提携しているMonterey Bay Academy、Western Christian High School、Pacific Collegiate Schoolはいずれもアメリカ西海岸に位置し、長年に渡って洗足学園の生徒を受け入れています。2024年度には、Monterey Bay Academy、Western Christian High Schoolにそれぞれ6名ずつの生徒たちが留学し、その人数は過去最多を記録しています。本校の提携校以外にも、校長の許可を得て、1年以内の留学をすることができます。
Monterey Bay Academyはキリスト教セブンスデー・アドベンチスト派の寮制共学の私立高校で、9年生〜12年生の生徒数は約150名。サンフランシスコから125キロ、サンノゼからは60キロ南下したモンテレー湾に面した広大なキャンパスには1.5キロにおよぶプライベートビーチがあり、教室や寮からは太平洋を一望に見渡すことのできる素晴らしい環境にあります。学校の周囲には延々とイチゴ畑が広がっています。進学校で、大学進学率は100%。留学生のためのESL英語クラスもあります。海洋生物学の優れた設備を持ち、生物学はアメリカ史、アメリカ文学とともに大学レベルの講義を提供しています。また音楽部活動、サーフィンやマリンスポーツが盛んです。MBAの在校生は約150名ですが、95%以上の生徒が校内で寮生活をしています。男女の割合は約同数で、外国人生徒は全体の15%にあたります。教職員が全員、家族とともにキャンパス内に住んでいるため、家庭的な雰囲気がある学校です。
2024年4月~2025年 3月(12ヶ月)
2024年7月~2025年 3月(9ヶ月)
アメリカ カリフォルニア州
後半3カ月は、TOEFLでノルマの点数を超えたことでESLを全て抜け、English IIやU.S. Historyを取り始めました。English IIは本当に大変で、Julius Caesarなどの古典英語を学んで、毎日テストがあったので、いつも友だちに助けてもらっていました。また、寮に移ったことと色々な教科を取り始めたことが重なり、仲良しな子も増え、ブギーボートをしたり、勉強の教えあいっこをしたりしていました。また、ルームメイトとも消灯後に映画を見たり、部屋のデコレーションをしたりとても仲良くなれました。
ホームステイでは、HalloweenやBlack Friday、Christmasなど寮では出来ない最高の経験をし、寮に移ってからは友だちと存分にMBAでの生活を楽しむことができました。帰国する時には友だちがサプライズお別れパーティーを開いてくれて、MBAで卒業したいと思えるほど最高の留学でした!
Pacific Collegiate School(PCS)は、カリフォルニア州サンタ・クルーズ市に1999年に設立された7年生〜8年生のミドルスクールと9年生〜12年生のハイスクールをあわせもつ公立学校です。現在、ハイスクールには300人の生徒が在籍しています。博士号や修士号を持つ教員が多いので、教育レベルは極めて高く、アメリカ大学進学にとても力を入れている学校です。サンタクルーズ周辺の公立高校では一番人気が高く、公立高校にも関わらず抽選でしか入学できない学校となっております。
Surrounded by the redwood trees and the beautiful ocean, Pacific Collegiate School, a small public charter school in Santa Cruz, welcomes exchange students with their utmost sincerity. You get to know the teachers very well, just because there are not that many kids. They closely look after you and if you are doing okay in your classes.
Classes are challenging, but also very engaging, and makes every student want to be a part of the class. The environment of classes are distinctive from not just Senzoku, but also other public schools in the United States, or that is what I have heard. Since all classes only have around 20 or less people, there is more engagement, and time for you to speak up and share our ideas in class. Though some classes, especially the Advanced Placement (AP) class content cant be hard, with a lot of workload, I think it is worth it.
The school year at PCS is divided into two semesters, and if you choose to participate, you can choose to stay for one or both semesters. Both have their pros and cons, however. I chose to stay for just one semester. At first, although I thought that it was too short, from the very first day of school, I was able to learn so much with a wider perspective, and now feel that there is already much to learn, just by staying fro five months. I am happy to have made this decision, and I think everyone will be satisfied in their stay no matter how long they stay.
Along with the school experience comes with the host family experience. Personally although I have lived in the States before, there was a clear difference to my prior experience, and living with a host family requires for you to become a lot more independent. However, my host family took me in as if I was one of their own, and taught me all about the traditions of their household as well as the city, which was a very different experience. Through the past two months, I have been able to not only extend my skills of the English language, but also to learn to use it as a tool for further exploration into the unknown world, not jut a language.
I recommend anyone, especially returnees who are not sure if you want to go on an exchange program because you are already fluent in English. There is always more to learn, and it can widen your perspective, as well as teach you many other important things.
アメリカ カリフォルニア州
Hi, my name is Aoba and I am an Sl student in Senzoku, enrolling as an 11th grader at Pacific Collegiate School. I am in Santa Cruz, staying with a warm, loving, host family. When I was first given this opportunity, I was overwhelmed and blinded by the chance to attend an "American high school" that I did not think clearly about how this could change my future. However, now, being here and experiencing my new life, I know that I have made the right decision.
The school that I am attending is called-Pacific Collegiate School, one of the top high schools in California. (This school is very unique and even plans on building a rock climbing wall and a bungy-jump treehouse in our school!) Though I was first worried that the classes at PCS were going to be too unchallenging for Senzoku students, I have now come to realise that I couldn't have been more wrong. At the moment, I am taking AP Calculus, AP Physics, History 9, English 10 and Film Production.
Before coming here, I heard countless times that Senzoku is very high-leveled in math and I would most likely end up reviewing for a whole year; however, the level here is extremely high and not a minute of my class has been a waste for me.
The AP physics class is also very challenging and unlike in Japan where we are often given lectures and rarely given time to experiment, the students here are expected to do a lab every class. The experiments conducted here are very contrary to the ones in Japan. We are given a topic in the beginning of the class and throughout the 105 minute class, we are to come up with a topic, a hypothesis and our own way to experiment and find the answer. For homework, we summarise our experiment and write a lab report, which usually consists of more than 3 pages.
As a Senzoku MUNner, I was always ashamed of my lack of knowledge on basic history in terms of religion and geography. In my History 9, I am not only learning, but also debating about religions and the history of each region.
In my World Literature course, we are learning about the aesthetic movements of literature, such as neo-classicism, romanticism, realism and modernism. Though this at first seemed useless and boring to me, this has become a vital key to learn the profound relations between time periods and literature, art and music. The teacher is extremely passionate about literature and her lectures are very inspiring.
In film production, which is an elective class that I chose, we not only learn to edit, but also act, film, and direct. We mainly have group projects where we cooperate to create an entertaining short film. In the one month being in this class, I have become very familiar with applications and technology, such as Final Cut Pro, green screens and Adobe After Effects.
Overall, the main difference I have seen between Senzoku and Pacific Collegiate School is the trust given to the students and the relationship between the students and the teachers. Even for a charter school. PCS has very few rules and students are expected to make judgments for themselves. We are permitted to use phones whenever we wish, and are allowed to leave campus during lunch if parents have turned in a permission slip. My friends and I have had picnics at the beach for lunch. The student-teacher relationship is closer here and students seem to find it easier to talk to teachers. Despite these major differences between Senzoku and PCS which may worry many Japanese parents, I have realised that PCS students are more enthusiastic about learning at school.
Though this is a very life-changing and frightening decision, I have absolutely no regrets in choosing to come. Pacific collegiate school is an institution filled with hungry-learners and an immense amount of freedom. I hope you consider this amazing opportunity!!
Western Christian High School(WCHS)は1920年に創立された、キリスト教主義の幼稚園から高校までの一貫校です。6年生〜12年生にはレベル分けのESL教育を中心としたインターナショナル・プログラムがあり、面倒見がよく留学生の教育に力を入れています。教師たちは社会での成功を達成するのに必要な知識を伝えるだけでなく、その知識を効果的に活用できる力を養っています。
授業はESL(English、Bible、Social Studyなど)を留学生だけで受けます。他の教科(Math、Science、Art、PE、Chorusなど)はレギュラーの生徒と一緒に受講します。Christian Schoolなので、聖書の授業がありますが、クリスチャンを強要することはありません。
ホームステイ先はWCHS の方で手配してくれます。ホームステイ担当のコーディネータが学内に常駐しています。
アメリカ カリフォルニア州
約350万円(前期 or 後期)